Friday, October 25, 2013

Cardboard Box Art

Jacob working on his car.

Bence working on his time machine.

Fernando working on his Honda. 

Hailey working on her fire engine.

Stay tuned for the finished projects!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Buttons for Freedman Kids!

We have three wonderful Albright students helping us this year - Alyssa, Amanda and Jess. And we are implementing some new ideas- including these buttons! Kids who come to our programs get these lovely pins and will earn beads to hang from them with different projects they complete. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Freedman Kids Say Cheese!

Fernando, Jacob, Haley and Bence proudly hold up the cast of characters they made from found objects. They were inspired by the Jeanne Verdoux Exhibition: Mr Bones and Friends. They collected materials, worked on their pieces, photographed them on location and then added stories, culminating in books and sharing. Scroll down and through to see all that they created!

Fernando's and Finn's Characters

Jacob's Character/Story Project

The friends were relaxing. 

The friends hiding. 

The two friends playing.

The two friends playing. 

The referee. 

Haley's Character Project/Story

One day an ordinary girl was sitting at the poolside. One day a superhero also known as the Fashion Police appeared. She went to the ordinary girl and said "You are in violation of fashion."
The ordinary girl said "But I am in my bathing suit."
"I don't want to hear it. You are going to fashion jail," she said.
"But why?"
She just said "SHHHH."

The ordinary girl spent four years in fashion jail. She was released and went shopping and they all lived happily ever after.

Bence's Character/Story Project

The Clam Soldier

Wind blew hard. The soldier walked across plains of Tennessee. He was trying to survive.

Suddenly the clam soldier woke up in a hospital. He sees his left arm missing. He turns his head forward and he sees a doctor talking to his wife. The doctor turns and walks into the room. "You have stepped on a landmine clam," said the doctor.

His wife walks in crying. She calms down and gives him a hug.

The next day he walks out of the hospital. He and his wife get in the car and drive home. They went into their house and ate a delicious dinner.

What the Art Lab Kids had to say!

After spending much time viewing and considering the Jeanne Verdoux exhibition: Mr. Bones and Friends - a few of our Art Lab participants wrote their own art reviews:

Age 10
What I like about this one is Mrs. Bones. What I don't like is the dead bird. I like Mrs. Bones's dress. I like her hair. I also like her face. Mrs. Bones makes me happy and the dead bird makes me feel gross. 

Age 11
I like the pictures and the characters.
What I did not like was that there were not many pictures. 

Age 7
It's cool. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

B. You

Quotes from Kids! B. Inspired! Read more and add your own!

Listen to a seashell and you'll hear the ocean. Listen to a child and you'll hear brilliance. Enjoy these bits of brilliance we've received through the B. quote gallery. Each is its own treasure.

B. sweet

"Mom! Stop! Be careful, there are boys in the ivy!
Robert, 6

B. priceless

"Did you know my Uncle tony is driving around the country in a winning bagel?"
Sean, 5

B. observant

Mom: "Look Chris, it's the Capitol Building!"
Chris: " Oh, well where is the lowercase building?"
Chris, 5

B. wise

"Soda is not god for your body. You drink it and then you want more and more. The next thing you know you are smoking."
Alyssa, 5

B. musical

"Jazz is my favorite color of music!"
Keely, 2

B. precise

I'm going to have five children and name them Cabage, French Toast, Table, Shower and Chair."

Skye, 6

B. worried

"what does it mean that it's Election Day?"
"Today everyone picks who they want to be President and run our country."
"Oh. I hope they don't pick me."
Maddy, 4

B. experimental

"Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure gin. Hydrogin is gin and water. 
Sam, 11
(an answer on a school science quiz)

B. naive

"It's not real anymore."
Brody, 2
(referring to "outside" when his care window was rolled up)

B. energized
"When I wake up I have to get the oil out. Do you ever feel that way? Then my old energy gets out and new energy can come in."
Jacob, 7
(squinting his eyes and scrunching up his face to make this happen)

B. logical B. honest B. imaginative B. curious B. pensive B. loud B. quiet B. wild B. free B. generous B. open B. poetic B. giddy B. serious