Monday, November 16, 2015


Recommended reading: This is an awesome book for girls and boys, young and old. The authors did a rad job compiling information and shining a light on people who have creatively contributed to our culture. Its very inspirational for anyone and everyone.

With that in mind we are having some changes here in the land of the Center for the Arts and Freedman Kids. We have had an outpouring of requests form the community to bring more art programs and projects to those who cannot come to us. 

Therefore we are shifting gears a bit and to that end- our in-coming field trips have turned more into outreach visits to schools, hospitals and churches- and our teens are helping with that as well as attending cultural events and participating in some exciting new local art ventures. More info on that later! We continue to serve teachers through BCIU programs and our campus through Meet & Make events. We are happy to work with all human-kind- young and old. 

Recently I gave a very inspirational talk to 13th & Union Elementary School on choosing art over drugs and we are busy little elves making art care packages for the seniors at the Reading Hospital Rehab Center. This is all great life experience for college students who want interesting did-bits for their resumes. 

Mazel Tov emoji and add to that shrimp tempura, smiling doo-hickey, dancing bunnies, ghost with tongue out, cherub and blooming cactus. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What is your disguise?!

Children, parents, grand-parents and helpers all jumped in and rolled up their sleeves at the T.E.A. Factory for a creative kick off to our season of making and experimenting. We painted and decorated masks and talked about their origin. They are fabulous!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Winston Churchill

When Winston Churchill
was asked to cut arts
 funding in favor of the
 war effort, he simply
 replied, “then what are we
 fighting for?”

A New Beginning

A new season of Experimental Art Lab is upon us!

Looking for something creatively exciting to do for k-6 students on Monday afternoons?

Beginning on Monday August 31st and running until the end of the school year we meet from 4-5 pm at the CFA and at The T.E.A. Factory downtown. Join us for a year of exploration. Parents can stay to attend drawing, sewing and knitting circles. Teens can stay as helpers. Sessions run by trained Albright students and designed by Beth Krumholz, Education Curator. 

This year we will visit a different theme, concept or artist or activity each month including:

Ray Eames
Sophie Tauber-Arp
Matthea Harvey
Frank Lloyd Wright
Tina Modotti 

Bird Watching
Bread Making

Pay $5 as you go or $80 for a season pass. 

Hope to see you there! Bring a friend and get a prize!

more news from camp

We were fortunate enough to have an exhibition of the campers beautiful art work in the Project Space of the gallery at the end of a hard week of work. We made artistic discoveries about the figure in art from Egyptian profiles to Greek Mythology. From tin can robots to yoga mats. From Edward Muybridge inspired flip books to designing our own hula hoops and beaded jewelry. I am grateful to the counselors, the teen helpers, the students, artists and families that participated by having the courage to believe in art for their children.

letters from camp

Eating lunch, making friends and making robots.

our summer vacation

Mask making with the campers from the Albright Learning Center. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

art camp 2015

The Body in Motion, a Freedman Kids Camp 2015

June 22-26, 9am-3pm
brown bag lunch, Freedman Gallery & Schumo Center

From Leonardo da Vinci to Edward Muybridge, artists through time have been fascinated by the human figure in art. Learning traditional and non-traditional techniques, campers explore the diversity of human anatomy from compositional sketching to building clay figures. Design a fashion accessory, practice yoga and learn a dance move or two. Mornings focus on hands-on art activities and afternoons devoted to playtime and physical activities. Work with local teaching artists and get your groove on with the Body in Motion!

Full Day- $150 before June 1, $180 after June 1
Half day- $75 before June 1, $85 after June 1

Family discount= $30 off for each sibling

our new monthly satellite location

The Experimental Art Lab


designed and run by artist and educator Beth Krumholz

Art Lab: For kids in K-6, join us Monday afternoons for tours of the changing exhibitions in the Freedman Gallery at Albright College, and opportunities to work with unusual materials in long and short term projects. We are excited to announce the launch of a new collaboration and will be working off-site at our new satellite location at the T.E.A. Factory, 580 Willow Street,  the last Monday of each month, 4-5pm. Drop-ins welcome. $5 per session. Call 610 921 7776 for more information.

Dates for T.E.A. Factory spring, summer, and first fall sessions:

April 27th

May 18th

June 29th

July 27th

August 31st

September 28th

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


touring and playing in the greenhouse and the organic garden

Glass Sun Catchers

We took a trip to Arts Fusion in Pottstown and got a tour 
of the kilns and made some glass sun catchers. 

Printing & Felting

Fortune cookies

Words to live by.

Looking back!

We made it through the winter with some cozy holiday crafting sessions!


Where I cook up all my ideas! Looking at thank you notes from all the kids!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


We had our first session at our new satellite location at the T.E.A. Factory. We had a blast making pennants!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Field Trips!

Classes have been coming to visit the gallery all week long and will continue all month! We had a splendid time doing scavenger hunts, discussing art, learning new words and concepts and having coloring circles!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Happy 2015 and A LIttle Catch Up!

Somehow we got a season behind in our posting so what better way to start the new year than to catch up and start fresh. So here are some images from our fall and winter season where we focused on lots of holiday crafts and had some wonderful visiting artists including Jean Esther, Exeter Girl Scouts who came to do their collage badges, and a wonderful seasonal workshop in the Student Center. This winter we are looking forward to our international film screening starting with Kiki's Delivery Service by Hayao Miyazaki.